Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Neat People vs. Sloppy People

In my opinion, the essay "Neat People vs. Sloppy People" isn't a great essay. For one, it is biased. You can easily tell that the author is sloppy, and therefore shows sloppy people as "better" people. Secondly, it is an exaggeration. I believe that sloppy people were represented as they are in this essay, neat people weren't. Neat people tend to throw away many things, because they see some items as invaluable, but that doesn't mean that they "send the children off to boarding school" because they are too messy, or that they "place neatness above everything else." Something else that this essay didn't mention is that there are also people that are in between. They are neither neat, nor messy.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Why don't we complain?"

The essay "Why don't we complain?", is an important essay. It shows us that we have become a silent society. When something is wrong,no one does anything about it. Sometimes we figure that it might get fixed because someone else will speak up, or we stay silent to avoid confrontation. Not complaining is bad in a society because when we complain about something, usually it gets fixed. When we become mute about issues, they go unresolved. Complaints are a way of us using our freedom of speech. It is a good way to keep power balanced, so that it doesn't tip to one person or group.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Way to Rainy Mountain

The Way to Rainy Mountain is an extremely descriptive story. At first this story was very confusing, but when i read it again it became clear. I got confused in the part where he states that the Kiowas had surrendered to the U.S Calvary, and then he goes back an talks about the beginning of the Kiowas and how their customs came about. This confused me because of the switching in time. Apart from this, it was a touching story with a good moral to it; culture can never die if you keep passing it on from generation to generation.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Reaction to "A Hanging"

"A Hanging" was a really good short story in my opinion. It shows what humans are capable of, and how we deal with certain things that we do. For example, the guards in the story show no emotion toward what they do. They kill people every day and don't feel anything. I think that they learned not to feel anything when they kill because they figure that they can't do anything about it, so why hurt themselves emotionally. I also liked this story because of the dog. In this story the dog shows compassion towards the prisoner; something that none of the human beings were able to do.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Borges and I

Borges and I was a confusing story but after reading it a few times, it became clearer. Borges and Spinoza are the same person, but either he is schizophrenic, or he is describing the two different sides of him. I realized this mostly because of the last sentence where he states “ I do not know which of us has written this page” .I think that when he says "I am destined to perish, definitively, and only some instant of myself can survive in him" he means that since Borges is the "writer" and literature is immortal, then he will live forever.
The way I navigate the different roles in my life is by changing the way I act depending on what role I'm playing. For example, when I'm in school, I'm less talkative and I act more professional, but when I'm with friends I tend to talk a lot and I can be more relaxed. Even though I act differently depending where and with who I am with, I'm still the same person. I have the same thoughts, and I'm still the person that loves to sing and go to the movies and have fun.