Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sexism in English

The essay "Sexism in English: A 1990s Update" written by Alleen Pace Nilsen, is very interesting. The authors believes that there is evidence that there is sexism in the English language. Based on her findings, it is very easy to assume that there is indeed sexism in English. In my opinion however, words are what we make them to be. When the English language was created there was in fact a lot of sexism. Today however, sexism has decreased substantially. If we look at these words as sexist, then that's what they'll be; but if we ignore the form in which they were created, then they are just words.

Why We Crave Horror Movies

In my opinion, the essay "Why We Crave Horror Movies" written by Stephen King, has a lot of truth to it. King states that everyone is "mentally ill". He believes that people watch horror movies because they want to "show that they can, re-establish our feelings of essential normality, and to have fun." I agree with him because horror movies bring nightmares and fears to life. By watching these movies, we are being masochists. In a way I also believe that we are all insane on some level. We all want to see who dies at the end of the film, and how. This could definitely be considered a form of insanity.